Book Group
For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.
Matthew 18:20 NIV

Lakeshore Episcopal Churches
St. Paul’s is a member of the Lakeshore Episcopal Churches, along with St. Augustine of Canterbury in Benton Harbor, Church of the Mediator in Harbert, and Trinity Episcopal Church in Niles.
Members of two or more of these churches often gather together for special events, including an annual Sandy Mass on the shore of Lake Michigan, Lenten Soup Suppers with special programming, services during Holy Week, and an Advent Study. Members from these churches also assist and support each other’s ministries and are participating together in the College for Congregational Development.
Neighborhood Gatherings
We celebrate back-to-school and Halloween with our neighbors and our neighborhood school, Lincoln Elementary. On the first day back to school after summer break, members greet the parents and children of the neighborhood school with treats and special gifts.

Social Hour
We gather together for fellowship, food, and coffee following our Sunday worship service.
Book Group
This St. Paul’s group meets every Tuesday morning in the lounge at the church, with a hiatus during the summer months. All are welcome to attend.
Lakeshore Episcopal Ladies Lunch Brunch
Members of the Lakeshore Episcopal churches gather at Papa Vino’s in St. Joseph at 11:30 on the first Thursday of every month for fellowship.
Annual Pet Blessing
Our priest blesses our pets and we honor God’s creation and all God’s creatures, as well as the work of St. Francis of Assisi.
Sudanese Grace Service and Supper
Members of Sudanese Grace Episcopal Church in Grand Rapids hold a joint service with members of St. Paul’s, with St. Paul’s hosting and Sudanese Grace preparing and serving a Sudanese dinner after the service.

Photo by Caroline Horist